
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Trying my Luck - Join $60 PayPal Cash Giveaway!

Joining Mommy’s Infodose is definitely more fun than anything else right now ^^. I’m new to this blog world, well thanks to my friend who influences me. I tried joining some contest with freebies, give aways but unfortunately I never win. Hope this time I’ll win, desperately need it for my mom, she’ll be celebrating their Wedding Anniversary this coming May 26, 2012 (41 yrs w/ full of love).I’m planning to set up a dinner date at the garden. I’ll be the one to cook (seafood’s will be the star on the table), and im still undecided whether cake or leche flan on dessert.  My father was already passed away 7 yrs ago, so just me and my husband will be her dinner date. Hope it will make her anniversary day special, with your help Mommy.

Thanks in advance and have positive and happy day ahead!

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